
3 Easy Day Trips from Paris via Train

There’s enough to see in Paris to keep you busy for a lifetime – both of your Paris Uncovered guides have been based here for years and still have tons of exploring left to do! But as the weather grows nicer, you may be on the lookout for a way to take in a different – greener – side of France, and that’s when it’s time to head to your closest train station: here are three of our all-time favorite easy day trips from Paris.

1. Giverny

Fans of Claude Monet’s Impressionist paintings shouldn’t miss a trip to his home in Normandy. The house displays a host of Monet’s works, but still more are evoked as you wander through the garden, complete with the water lilies, green rowboat, and Japanese bridge that featured so frequently in Monet’s paintings.

To get there, take the train from Saint-Lazare to Vernon. Buses shuttle passengers from the train station to the small town of Giverny, where you can spend the day wandering and soaking up Monet’s inspiration.

2. Fontainebleau

For a breath of fresh air, take the train to Fontainebleau, home to the château of the same name. Here, you’ll discover Marie Antoinette’s Turkish boudoir as well as a museum devoted to Napoleon. The ornamental gardens are exquisite, and those looking for something a bit more rustic will love tramping through the forest, known to locals as one of the prime bouldering spots in the region.

To get there, grab a train from Gare de Lyon to Fontainebleau-Avon station.

3. Chartres

To the southwest, Chartres is home to yet another Notre-Dame that is, if possible, even more impressive than the cathedral of the same name in Paris. The Gothic marvel was completed in 1220 and features two exquisite spires and distinctive blue-tinted stained glass.

Make a day of it, and wander the charming medieval village of Chartres before hopping back on a train to Paris in time for dinner.

To get there, board a Chartres-bound train from Montparnasse.

Insider’s Tip! While you can usually purchase tickets just before you head out to any one of these destinations, if you don’t want to risk disappointment, stop by any station or SNCF shop in Paris a few days before, or purchase your ticket online on the SNCF website!